Be bold to own your space 

Being a woman in business is not easy. Women are constantly underestimated on their capabilities, competence and ability to manage business situations such as starting their own start-up, being successful in the tech industry or taking the investment market by storm. Unfortunately in many of these areas the percentage of women is still low. 

Have you ever wondered why the term powerwoman exists but never heard of powerman? This one term that is routinely used (also proudly by me!) actually means that we have to emphasise women’s achievements. Like an underscore to remark an action that doesn’t come natural to the female gender.

This brings me to the topic of this blog post: be visible. We need to normalise that women are pursuing their own business endeavours and we need as many of us as we can. And there is one key takeaway message that repeats itself over and over again: be bold to own your space. 

What does this mean? 

This means wearing whatever you feel fit, from radiant colours suits to high heels or a sweater if you feel like it. This means, wear that red lipstick with confidence when you feel like it. Be loud on social media, spread your opinions and engage your audience with your enthusiasm. 

Because nobody will give you permission to express yourself other than you. And if you have tried and failed to make everybody comfortable around you, that is exactly my point today. You can’t and you don’t have to. Because that is an expectation that we will fail to meet and we are not about to set ourselves up for failure. This is perfectionism at its best, and it solemnly serves us to slow us down.

Show up as your authentic self today, tomorrow and everyday.